agosto 2018

Maersk Container Ship Embarks on Historic Arctic Transit

Por |2018-08-24T06:57:54+00:00agosto 22nd, 2018|Latest Articles, Maritime, Traffic News|

Danish company Maersk, the world’s largest operator of container shipping, is about to send the first-ever container ship through the Arctic along Russia’s Northern Sea Route. While the route has seen rising traffic to transport oil and natural gas in recent years, the voyage of the Venta Maersk, a medium-sized container ship capable of carrying nearly 3,600 containers, will be an industry first.

junio 2018

abril 2018

Caralb Top Vessels · Voronoi yacht: Considered the most beautiful

Por |2018-04-27T11:10:01+00:00abril 27th, 2018|Latest Articles, Maritime, Top Vessels|

The luxury 125m Voronoi yacht concept is designed to thrill with an intricate lattice exterior and extravagant facilities. The boat, which will include a sky lounge, hot tubs, a swimming pool and golfing green, has a striking design that is unusual to see on the seas. South Korean yacht enthusiast Kim Hyun-Seok, who designed the boat, said it is named after the voronoi pattern, which is a random geometric spacing created by Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoi.

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